200-Hour Teacher Training
– Online & In-Person Hybrid Course –
Classical Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda & Western Anatomy
Dates TBA
Integrating Traditional Wisdom with Scientific Knowledge
Students in this course will study an Ayurvedic approach to Classical Hatha Yoga, Vedic and Yogic philosophy (including the study of the Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali), and empower students with the knowledge of Western Anatomy and ancient subtle body anatomy as it applies to yogic practices and lifestyle choices.
Upon graduation students will be empowered to teach and understand Yoga postures, meditation and breath work in light of Ayurvedic mind body systems.
Students will be required to hold a daily Yoga practice during the course to help ground the practice into your memory and teaching style.
You must have a good internet connection to join this class and be able to use Zoom.
SATURDAYS, 11am - 7pm EST
January 9th through June 19th (no class Feb 13th)
SUNDAYS, 10:00am - 1:00pm EST
January 10th & 17th
June 6th 13th & 20th
$1900 Early bird discount
$2250 After November 15th, 2022
$100 off if you sign up with a friend.
After your application is processed and your entrance interview with Trevor is complete he will send you links for payment. Cash or check payment is preferred. A 3% fee will be added for digital payment to cover credit card fees.
(if international exchange rates are making the training inaccessible please reach out to Trevor directly)
To register please fill out the application form
Arising from over two decades personal practice and teaching, Trevor's approach to Yoga, Vedanta & Ayurveda is educated, devotional, and lighthearted. Trevor is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance and has studied extensively with traditional Indian Yogi's (non-yoga alliance affiliated teachers). Trevor is an Ayurvedic Health Consultant with the American Institute of Vedic Studies, a Licensed Massage Therapist in the State of Michigan, Certified Yoga Therapist (IAYT), Integral Yoga Stress Management Consultant and practices Orthopedic Massage and Assessment techniques taught by Dr. Ben Benjamin. As a body worker he has studied anatomy, physiology and pathology in-depth. He has also studied fascial anatomy with Tom Myers. His approach to teaching is highly informed by both western anatomy and classical yogic text and philosophy. Learn more about Trevor's studies, credentials and story click here.
Miriam Dowd-Eller teaches an embodied approach to Anatomy and Physiology for this program. Learn more about Miriam here.
Marya Mccarroll, PhD is a professor of Psychology at Eastern Michigan University and long time Yoga student of Trevors. She has a private therapy practice and will be teaching ethics in light of Western psychology and Yogic principles for this online course.
This program is designed to be a learning-journey aiding students in deepening their experience of Yoga as a spiritual practice and lifestyle, with meditation as the heart of the traditional Yoga system. This course focuses heavily on yoga as an inner journey of personal transformation. Participants of the program will learn yogic life skills, practices, and a holistic worldview that can weave into any current lifestyle. For students who feel ready to teach publicly upon completing this course, you will be able to register with Yoga Alliance and legally insure yourself as a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher.
Techniques: Asana, Meditation, and Pranayama: 100 hours
Teaching Methodology: 30 hours
Anatomy & Physiology: 20 hours
Philosophy/Lifestyle/Ethics: 30 hours
Practicum: 10 hours
Students can expect to spend at least 1 hour a day on homework and 45 minutes to 1 1/2 a day on daily yoga and meditation practice. To graduate students are required to do their best to keep a daily yoga practice.
Techniques, Training and Practice (TTP):
• Classical Hatha Yoga and Sequencing of basic and intermediate postures with variations and modifications
• Pavanmuktāsana - Joint freeing yoga
• Sun Salutation in light of Vinyasa krama ("to design in a specific way")
• Basic Pranayama (breath work)
• Students will learn how to safely teach and modify all asanas practiced and learned in TTP in light of Ayurvedic mind body and type and western anatomy
• Including in-depth study of
• Sequencing of Hatha Yoga Classes
• Classical Sun Salutations
• Moon Salutations
• Joint Freeing Yoga Pavanmuktāsana Series
• Mantra Meditation
• Basic Pranayama
The entire course is permeated with anatomical view of the body. Trevor and Miriam work as a team to assure students learn how to practice yoga postures in a way that is safe to various life phases, body types and exercise/meditation goals. Students will learn basic musculoskeletal anatomy as well as Ayurvedic mind body approach a balanced lifestyle. We strongly feel, Yoga in the modern age needs to incorporate Western scientific knowledge while remaining connected to subtle body anatomy (from Ayurveda and Yoga).
Students will study western anatomy in light of yoga, and master:
Medical Anatomical Terminology of planes, movements, directions PLUS Anatomically-informed cuing
Anatomy and Physiology of Stretching, Strengthening, and Breath-work (pranayama)
Basic Bones, Joints, Natural Range of Motion, and Common Injuries
Major Muscle Groups and Common Pathologies
Intro to Pain Science and Fascial Research
Structural and postural assessment
The impacts of pranayama, mantra, and deep relaxation on the 11 major systems of the body
Students will also study Ayurveda and Samkhya Philosophy to inform subtle body anatomy. This includes guna, dosha, the five elements, the vital essences, and how the application of this knowledge is best shaped by situational differences (e.g., personal goals for yoga practice and life-stage constraints and opportunities). Students will become knowledgeable in subtle body anatomy of chakras, the five vayus and how they relate to posture and breath work (pranas), and how prana relates to postures. We will look at yoga sequences and practices based out of the theory of how asana, pranayama, and meditation impact prana and one's overall wellbeing.
With this knowledge, graduates can structure classes that are appropriate for individual anatomical needs and different life phases.
Participants will learn the essence of yoga and its three major schools, Bhakti, Jnana and Karma Yoga. Students will study the major sutras of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika as well in-depth classes on the Nirvana Shatakam, written by Adi Shankacharya the ancient teacher of non dual philosophy (Advita Vedanta). Participants will have a minimum of 20 hours of philosophy classes. For students interested in yogic philosophy, this course will give you in-depth familiarity with yogic philosophy, and how it relates to all aspects of life and branches of practice.
Upon completion of the course, students will clearly understand the differences between Vedanta, Yoga, Samkhya, Ayurveda, and Tantra (traditional).
Signing up for this course is making a commitment to your daily practice of yoga on and off the mat. Without a daily practice, one will not have the experience to teach with confidence and integrity. Daily practice is vital for contacting the mood of the yogi, which is the most fundamental skill to help carry others into the yogic state of mind.
Participants will need to keep up with the weekly readings and share their contemplations through group discussions.
Some weeks there will be homework "test" sent via google classroom.
READING MATERIALS (Additional reading requirements will be included in the Student Resources section of this site)
Yoga: A Guide to the Teachings and Practices by Dr. David Frawley
Yoga and Ayurveda by Dr. David Frawley
Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy by Mukunda Stiles
Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book by Kelly Solloway
Students will receive most homework through downloadable PDF resources. You can choose to print or keep saved on a computer.
Students will be required to pass mid way and final exams in Anatomy and Philosophy as well as complete all test sent via google classroom.
For graduation participants must:
Agree to the Yoga Maya School of Yoga and Meditation Code of Ethics, as well as Yoga Alliance Code of Ethics.
Be able to clearly lead a 1-hour yoga class
Pass all tests (70% to pass)
Pass the Practicum
Meet minimum attendance policy
This course surpasses Yoga Alliance Standards for completion of a 200-hour Yoga Teacher training. Usual standards for excused absences, along with demonstrations of participant competencies, effort, and dedication will entail fulfillment of course requirements.
Follow the button below to fill out the free application and schedule a short meeting with Trevor Chaitanya to discus the course.